Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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20/02/2018 Domenico Asks: What are the chemical constituents?

Answer Dott. Emanuele Alfano Nutritionist Caffeilquinici compounds (cinarina); Flavonoids (luteolin); Tannins; sterols; polyacetylenes; Sesquiterpenic lactones (cinaropicrina); Mineral salts; Organic acids.

24/02/2018 Salvatore Asks: What are the benefits of the artichoke?

Answer Dr. Gabriele Musumeci Agronomist - Rich in Antioxidants: In the heart of the artichoke is present the chlorogenic acid, a substance with antioxidant properties, which is able to prevent arteriosclerotic and cardiovascular diseases.

- Protection against Cancer: Among all the vegetables artichokes have the highest level of antioxidants. According to the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) on 1,000 different types of plant foods, artichokes are in 7th place for antioxidant content.

These compounds, as is well known, are one of the main means of defending the immune system against free radicals. Substances harmful to health that can give rise to dangerous diseases including tumors.

The antioxidant properties of artichokes come from polyphenols (quercetin and rutin), from vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E and flavonoids. It has been shown that flavonoids have preventive properties against breast cancer.

- Benefits to the Liver The organ that derives the greatest benefits from the properties of the artichoke is the liver. Cynarin, an acid also present in the leaves. Its active ingredients are deactivated by cooking (for this reason it is better to consume raw artichoke).

Cynarin is also useful for the liver to recover from diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and jaundice. Effective even in case of chemical poisoning.

- Diuretic and Digestive: The artichoke has digestive and diuretic properties and, thanks to the presence of cynarine and inulin, allows to lower cholesterol levels.

- Lowering Cholesterol: A very important property of artichokes is based on the ability of their acids to lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol in the blood. In this way this vegetable protects the organism from hypertension, from arteriosclerosis, from infarct and stroke.

- Blood Pressure: Artichoke is also a good source of potassium, a very important mineral as it plays an important role for the proper functioning of all organs. In particular, potassium helps the body to neutralize the effects of excess sodium which, as we know, leads to an increase in blood pressure.

- Help for Diabetics: Scientific studies show that the artichoke helps to balance blood sugar levels, so this precious vegetable can be considered a valid aid in the fight against diabetes.

- Brain Health: Artichokes provide about 12% of the recommended dose of vitamin K. Studies have shown that this vitamin offers protection against neuronal damage and brain degeneration. It is therefore a preventative method for Alzheimer's and dementia in the elderly.

- Bone Health: Vitamin K plays an important role in bone formation and maintenance of health.


01/03/2018 Antonio Asks: How many calories do artichokes have?

Answer Dott. Emanuele Alfano Nutritionist The artichokes have few calories, about 22 per 100 grams.


03/03/2018 Franco Ask: What do the artichokes contain?

Answer Dr. Gabriele Musumeci Agronomist water 91.3 g Carbohydrates 2.5 g Sugars 1.9 g Proteins 2.7 g Fat 0.2 g Cholesterol 0 g Total fiber 5.5 g Sodium 133 mg Potassium 376 mg Iron 1 mg Calcium 86 mg Phosphorus 67 mg Magnesium45 mg Zinc 0.95 mg Copper 0.24 mg Vitamin B1 0.06 mg Vitamin B2 0.10 mg Vitamin B 3 0.50 mg Vitamin A r18 μg Vitamin C 12 mg


10/03/2018 Emilio Asks: What are the side effects?

Answer Dott. Emanuele Alfano Nutritionist The artichoke - if used correctly and at the recommended doses - is normally well tolerated on a gastric and systemic level. However, sensitization reactions may occur in susceptible individuals following prolonged plant contact with the skin.


11/03/2018 Luca Chiede: In which cases should the artichoke be avoided?

Answer Dott. Emanuele Alfano Nutritionist The intake of artichoke should be avoided in case of hypersensitivity to one or more components, in patients with biliary tract obstruction and in patients with cholelithiasis.
Due to the generous presence of inulin, the use of artichoke should be avoided in case of abundant intestinal fermentations.
The use of artichoke must also be avoided during lactation, due to the possible reduction of the milk flow.
Furthermore, it is not recommended to take artichoke even during pregnancy.
20/03/2018 Oreste Asks: How to recognize the freshness of an artichoke?

Answer Dr. Gabriele Musumeci Agronomist Grasp them with an index and thumb and press. If the artichoke is hard and compact it is fresh if it tends to flatten instead it is not. A fresh artichoke must have the tips still tight and if the stem has anchors of the attached leaves, these must not be wilted, but on the contrary very fresh.

03/23/2018 Antonello Asks: What is the difference between the PGI artichoke of Paestum and the other artichokes?

Answer Dott. Emanuele Alfano Nutritionist The differences compared to other types of artichoke consist of varietal peculiarities, the precocity of production, and the cultivation area, fertile soils and rainy and mild winters, which give the artichoke a round and delicate taste. The PGI artichoke of Paestum is also required to comply with a series of requirements contained in the production disciplinary covering the whole crop cycle, allowing to obtain a product of excellence and respectful of the environment.


25/03/2018 Graziella Asks: Is it grown only in Paestum?

Answer Dr. Gabriele Musumeci Agronomist Almost.The PGI artichoke of Paestum can also be grown in the neighboring municipalities or in part of them (Agropoli, Albanella, Altavilla Silentina, Battipaglia, Bellizzi, Campagna, Capaccio, Cicerale, Eboli, Giungano, Montecorvino Pugliano, Ogliastro Cilento, Pontecagnano Faiano, Serre.) The production disciplinary indicates precisely in which areas the cultivation is allowed.


27/03/2018 Gabriella asks: What are the characteristics of the PGI artichoke of Paestum and how do I recognize it?

Answer Dott. Emanuele Alfano Nutritionist The PGI artichoke of Paestum has a spheroidal shape, with a characteristic hole at the apex, the average weight of a flower head (including the stem) is 250 gr, is compact and is characterized by a green color, with violet nuance rosacea is also made unmistakably recognizable by the presence of the IGP logo "Carciofo di Paestum" composed of an image of the Temple of Neptune located in Paestum surrounded by a blue sky and the image of an artichoke flower in the foreground.


02/04/2018 Vittoria Asks: When does the season start the PGI artichoke of Paestum and until when they are sold?

Answer Dott. Gabriele Musumeci Agronomist The PGI artichoke of Paestum is a variety of early artichoke with spring production. The harvest is done in a scalar way in the period between 1 February and 20 May and this is also the period in which it can be purchased.


04/04/2018 Gerardo Asks: Is it true that hormones are used?

Answer Dr. Gabriele Musumeci Agronomist Although for some types of artichokes sometimes phytohormones (plant hormones) such as Gibberellic acid are used to anticipate the production, however, for the cultivation of the Paestum IGP artichoke they are not used for two fundamental reasons: primis because the use of these products is strictly forbidden by the production disciplinary of the PGI artichoke of Paestum, in secundis because this particular variety of artichoke naturally has an early production that in case of warm winters can become too much for this reason the use of phytohormones could even prove counterproductive.

14/05/2018 Mimmo asks: When I buy an artichoke how do I make sure it is Artichoke of Paestum I.G.P.?

Answer Dr. Gabriele Musumeci Agronomist. The Carciofo di Paestum PGI, like all other products, is protected by stringent Community legislation. The marketing can take place only in rigid containers of minimum 2 and maximum 24 flower heads. The quality label "Protected Geographical Indication" (a blue toothed wheel with a yellow background) must be clearly visible on each package. The logo of the "Carciofo di Paestum IGP" will also be shown, depicting the image of the Temple of Neptune, oval-shaped, with a white oval on which the image of the Paestum artichoke rests.

05/15/2018 Roberto asks: Can all farmers produce Artichoke di Paestum?
Answer Dr. Gabriele Musumeci Agronomist. Not everybody. They must possess specific characteristics. Firstly, their companies must be located within the production area of the PGI Artichoke di Paestum. In addition, they must be previously authorized by the Protection Consortium, owner of the intellectual property right conferred by the registration of the designation "Carciofo di Paestum" I.G.P. The appointed Consortium will also register them in special registers and monitor the correct use of the protected name. They must also undertake to adopt the production regulations of the Artichoke of Paestum and submit to the periodic checks of the certification body in charge.

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